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Adverse Childhood Experiences

"Many recent studies identify instances of abuse, neglect and household challenges as Adverse Childhood Experiences or ACEs. The higher number, more severe and long lasting these experiences are can have lasting emotional and health effects long into adulthood. Some researchers liken these experiences to toxic stress that hampers healthy physical, mental and emotional development.

When these stresses occur in early childhood, they can impact the critical formation of brain synapses. Brains adapt to the realities of their environment and perceptions of self and others can become skewed.

Although ACEs occur to people across economic lines, those in poverty tend to experience them more often and have less access to resources to help them work through the issues and build the resilience needed to deal with them. Read More

Finding Your Ace Score: a test
ACEs Resource List
Matthew Deevers’ Seeds to Trees Seminar Text
Matthew Deevers’ Seeds to Trees Power Point
Matthew Deevers’ Seeds to Trees Work Sheet
Oprah Winfrey
Self Esteem Bookmark English & Spanish


“Love in the heart of a child for Christ…was the inspiration which gave birth to the Christ Child Society.”

Mary Virginia Merrick, Servant of God

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