Layettes is the NCCS signature program that all chapters participate in with over 25,000 layettes being delivered to hospitals, health departments, pregnancy care centers and social service agencies. When Mary Virginia Merrick gathered women together to sew a complete baby outfit for a mother in need, she was sowing the seeds of what was to become the CCS.
Layettes, or Baby Bundles, are filled with infant clothing and essentials, baby board books and care information provided by the Christ Child Society.
Chapters are encouraged to utilize the printed educational information that is available free of charge through the NCCS office. Read More
Layette Content Study Summary_2018
Layette Vendor List
Sample Layette Evaluation Form
Layette Resource List_ Educational Materials to Include in Layettes
Ordering Information for Blue Canvas Tote Bag
Calm Your Crying baby card
Read to Me card
Blanket Tag

"When I read ‘She wrapped him in swaddling clothes,’ I longed to do the same, and He Himself taught me that I might still do so in the person of His poor, and a great desire was born within me to go out
and find the poor that I might find Him.”
Mary Virginia Merrick, Servant of God