Connecting to National with Fun Facts and News
November 2023
Let us pause as we celebrate the 157th anniversary of Mary Virginia Merrick's birth, with some lesser-known facts about our founder. Miss Mary imagined and brought to life philanthropic and visionary community outreach concepts, all after her life-altering accident at age 14.
Mary Virginia Merrick was born on November 2, 1866, in her maternal Grandmother's home in Washington D.C. and was the second oldest of seven children.
At age 18, Mary Virginia Merrick's vision for the Christ Child Society was developed and the first layette was distributed at Christmas.
The Christ Child Society was founded, in Washington D.C. in 1887. Mary Virginia Merrick, then age 21; served as its president, until her death in 1955.
In 1905, Mary Virigina Merrick established the Christ Child Society as a national organization.
For additional information, please visit the book: In Service of the Christ Child, by Harry Rissetto.
From the NCCS Treasurer regarding the NCCS investment account.
The Vanguard Investment Account was begun in 2012 with money received from bequests and the Visionary Campaign, to help fund the new NCCS office. No monies from Dues, Chapter Support or the Annual Appeal were used to create this account. The account continues to grow through receipt of additional bequests and the fund dividends and interest.
Today, the money is used to balance the annual budget and provide additional support for initiatives to help our chapters.
"When I read 'She wrapped him in swaddling clothes,'
I longed to do the same, and He Himself taught me that I might still do so
in the person of His poor, and a great desire was born within me
to go out and find the poor that I might find Him.”
Mary Virginia Merrick, Founder