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NCCS Monthly Connections 3.15.24

Connecting to National with Fun Facts and News


March 2024

  • Red Wagon Award for a Chapter Program

The Red Wagon Award is presented biennially at the NCCS Convention to a chapter with an outstanding program. In addition to the recognition of the chapter’s exceptional program, a $1000 grant is awarded to help support further innovation and development of the program. If your chapter has an awesome program, we would love to have your chapter fill out an application. Look for application and more information to be sent out later in March. Contact us at for more information.

  • NCCS Nominating Committee

Immediate Past President Molly Fanning, working as the Nominating Chair, has formed a committee to assemble a slate of candidates to serve on the 2024-2026 NCCS Board. The slate will be presented and voted on at this year's Annual Business meeting in Omaha in September. Members who are interested in learning more about serving on the National Board, please contact the National Office. We encourage members to self-nominate and share your talents to serve all CCS members!

  • National Board In-Person Meeting

On February 27 & 28, the National Board came together in Phoenix, AZ for the February Board meeting. President Angela Schneider headed up the meeting and helped the committees to work and strategize on the five year Strategic Plan. She encouraged us to be bold with our ideas as we continue to serve NCCS and its chapters for a successful term.

“ Let every beautiful sight and sound uplift you nearer to Him in gratitude."

Mary Virginia Merrick, Founder

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