Get Involved

Volunteers are the heart of the National Christ Child Society. Become a part of the over 4,800 members across the country who generously share their time, talent, and resources in support of our mission.
By becoming a member, you can make a difference in the lives of others while enjoying a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Our chapters have many ways for you to help. We have members of all ages and a variety of programs that allow flexible participation depending on your time and interest! You can start a chapter in a community where we do not yet have a chapter. You can donate to the organization to support overall programs or specific programs that you are interested in.
“What struck me most about the Christ Child Society since I joined in 1999, is the type of volunteers we attract. In Cleveland, I met so many incredible, kind, generous women who were willing to give up their free time and talents to help children in the Cleveland area. And when I became involved on a national level, I found that the same type of individuals make up all our chapters across the country!”